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The end of 2020 had me buried in commission pieces and looking forward to a slow January to work on all things behind the scenes of my business. January ended up being anything but slow.

A bigger canvas this time

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They wanted 2 canvases… Awesome!!

I pitch these ideas to clients as an option to truly tell their story. And then the work begins figuring out how to make it all happen.

One canvas of the ceremony and one of the reception. K. No problem.

Two canvases painted live!….

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And who am I to turn down a present 🙂

This energy is addictive.

Those early moments transitioning from event staff yelling into the back checking on some last minute details or a place setting missing their salad fork or confirming the recipe for the signature cocktail. The DJ doing

It’s not about me, but yet I get the gift!

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5pm on a gorgeous springy Saturday sure looks different for me these days. What about you? Being an ideal Saturday for a wedding, I’d typically be in

Live painting during corona days

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This concept of settling was huge to me personally just a few short years ago. I think it really hit when I chose to take a corporate job that was not a good personal fit for me. I made that choice for stability for my family, to provide some benefits and a place to rebound after a business venture that finally wrapped up, a couple of years later than it probably should have.

Things that settle for 10,000



live wedding painter

IN the midwest and beyond

[email protected]