Great question, let’s think this through…
You’re considering a live painting.
(sidenote: I think this is kinda funny. A live painting. I’m a live painter. I have a pulse. I am living. I paint. But I’ve found this is what most people search when they are looking for me to paint their wedding.)
The LIVE PAINTING happens during your wedding, or reception, or both. It works on so many levels. Kids love to see what’s happening on the easel. Older people are always drawn in to take a closer look and share with me a story of some (usually super fascinating story! I love these conversations while I work!) creative endeavors or connections from back their day. Your guests are getting their groove on and check back often to see the artwork progress, pick out other guests in the painting and inevitably ask if they’re in there. One of my top 3 FAQs of all time, “Am I in there?”
Your event has an artistic flair – maybe you and your fiance are creatives and this is the perfect thing to round out your reception. And your guests will all be like, “this is perfect! They will love this! He studied theatre and she’s a Pinterest queen!” Or something like that. And yes, this is the just-right addition.
Your event is all about the wow factor, the gospel choir is cued up to kick off the celebration (this actually happened! A choir of probably 50 black-robed soul-singing pro vocalists brought the house down, gave me chills, made me tear up- so so so great; sorry no photos, see why on the blog post “It’s just art, why the paper trail”), the later-in-the-evening band is warming up backstage, the florals are glowing and suspended from the ceilings – it’s all over the top amazingness. Your live painter then is spot-lighted, set up on a small stage, velvet-roped off and part of the show. Your guests will talk about this event for years.
Your event is sweet, intimate, simple, and full of sentimental tradition. Your tribe has pitched in to make the cute signs, the candy buffet, the dessert table goodies and your uncles are tending the bar. The only thing missing is your recently deceased Grand-dad. Guess what, I get that. I’ve lost loved ones and I can’t believe that life goes on and we continue celebrating big things in their absence. But we do. We must. So get me a photo and I visually paint in a likeness of your loved one or a tasteful symbol of them so they are there with you in whatever way is most appropriate. You know they’d be there with you, for you, if at all possible. Let’s include them in your painting.
A bit of all the above.
I’m telling you, there is NOTHING like a live painting to commemorate (but that word seems so weak in comparison to the EXPERIENCE of it all) your big day. Again – big day, so cliche, but it really is huge. Major. Biggest and best day you’ve dreamt of for decades. Better get it live-painted.
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