Mini-Masterpiece Membership – Sign Up

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How often does an occasion sneak up on you and you scramble desperately for just a little something to give.

What if you gave art?

Almost regardless of the subject matter, it’s a personal gift because it is hand made. Ok, maybe the subject matter DOES matter… that’s why this bundle of video lessons covers a little bit of everything from lettering to florals to fish to cocktails. And then some. You basically have a kit of ideas and how to’s that won’t take a semester to work through. If you have an hour and a clean spot on the table, you can create a personal gift for just about anybody for just about any occasion.

This bundle inside the group covers:

  • TEN 1-hour (or less!) video lessons

  • a list of supplies for any budget

  • additional videos to dial in techniques and tips (on lettering, background techniques, color theory and mixing tips, basic how-to’s on drawing to make your paintings better, chats about proportion and principles of design ensuring your work is next level) making each step easy to digest and FAIL. PROOF.

Consider giving art, or giving this group to a wannabe artist…

My experience in the art education role includes teaching kindergarten up to high school age kids, and private lessons. I totally get having the desire to create but not sure where to start. A budding artist in your life would love a little instruction to dive deeper into their creative self.

If that’s you or someone you know, can’t wait to see the mini-masterpieces created!


Profile, painting on canvas, gray shirt, hair down.jpg

Giving it as a gift?

Once you purchase, I can get you a list of supplies for whatever budget and YOU can present the supplies when you give this bundle of lessons as a gift. PERFECT. (I can guarantee you, artists LOVE new creative supplies!)

Let’s get to painting, together!

Mini-Masterpiece FAQ’s

When did this start? I have a lot going on but am interested… +

Once you purchase, you’ll find 10 weeks worth of creative instruction. Each week’s content is organized into a unit in the facebook group, so you can skip around within the various lessons or spend more time developing several images based off the single lesson.

Is there a supply list? +

Yes! Once you join the Mini-Masterpiece group, you will receive a welcome email with a link to join our private Facebook group and a link to our supplies list.
Your membership in the group includes a list of good, better or best painting supplies. I’ve used many types of brushes and paints for everything from huge sign painting projects to crafts to murals to my live paintings I do onsite at weddings. Each lesson I stick with one “level” of paint, but try to give tips that will apply to whatever type of paint you’re using.

Can I give this as a gift? +

Yes! Once you purchase, you’ll have a couple questions to answer, one being, “Is this a gift?”. Your answer will cue an invitation for that person to the group… but I don’t want to ruin the surprise, so you decide when you’re giving it to them, then they’ll be invited to join us. You’ll have access to the supply list and can purchase the supplies for your giftee or let them know

I’m considering giving this as a gift, how do I know this person is a candidate for your class? +

Long answer… I can tell you I learned (and still do!) from a wide variety of teachers and creatives. The more I work and stay in practice, the areas where I feel I’m weak will somehow surface so I personally dial in those things and use those experiences to keep working to get better. And I pass those nuggets on to help creatives at a variety of levels in their making.
Short answer… Absolutely! 🙂

How does your Mini Masterpiece group operate? +

THE requirement is you must have a facebook account. Right now all the content is being delivered via facebook. Once you’ve purchased, you or the giftee will have access to the group where you/they will find a welcome video inviting you to poke around, check out some of the quick videos on background options, basic lettering options, and then each week we do 2 videos – one is delivered live in the group and we sum up the previous week’s painting and tease out ideas and tips for the coming lesson that week. The actual painting lesson lasts between 30-60 minutes, some are delivered pre-recorded, some are delivered as live videos.

I love to make things but don’t have much experience painting. +

You gotta start somewhere! This would be a perfect, low-cost way to dip your toe in the water and see if it’s something you’d like to pursue. And each lesson I teach in layers, you can leave your project basic or continue to embellish or layer with more detail and challenge yourself. If you don’t like how it turns out, it’s just paint! Let it dry and you can paint over it!

Do you have upcoming projects posted anywhere? +

I don’t, I am doing a fun little visual collage compiled into a video to use as promotion showing a variety of things we’ve conquered in the group. And the early bird members have helped steer the content, letting me know what kinds of things they are interested in and where they feel weakest.

the fine print:
No refunds.
Your $37 membership in this group grants you access to everything listed above, supplies not included, for as long as you’re on facebook.

Gift this Mini-Masterpiece bundle! Upon your purchase of this membership for an artist you know, please note this is a gift, note the recipient’s name (as it appears on their facebook profile), and when you’d like to present the gift to them. I will send them an invitation to the group with a note confirming they were gifted this private membership from you!
Your $37 membership is exclusive to you, if you know other stifled creatives that would benefit from this bundle of 10 video lessons please forward them this link and encourage them to sign up and join on their own.
Various pieces of content shared in the group will include affiliate links listing supplies and products, of which I will make a percentage if you purchase from the links provided.
This Facebook group may be made available to additional members at a higher price in the future.




live wedding painter

IN the midwest and beyond

[email protected]